You cannot enter twice the same river
video dance project for 1 or 2 dancers
and music composition in natural environment
The Greek philosopher Heraclitus supported the constant, eternal move of being. In his philosophy, the continuous move and change constitute the fundamental characteristic of reality. This move of being is expressed by the view of the river that remains the same, while the water which flows in it changes constantly and is always renewed. Heraclitus faithful in “everything flows”, reminded us that “you cannot enter twice the same river” because the river changes at any time, therefore it can never be the same. So the world should not be identified with some specific substance, but with a continuous process which is governed by the law of change.
A chronicle meteor
This constant move, during which everything becomes and is destroyed, Heraclitus saw it as an endless fight of opposite principles. His theory of the opposites is not only expressed by the common Reason (Logos), but also as a “war”, another aspect of harmony, a cosmic stability which governs the opposites and constantly produces new balances through conflicts. It indicates that deceptively opposite situations, tendencies and forces, are connected with a cohesive relation of harmony. In Heraclitus the meaning Reason (Logos) means regulatory principle which governs the whole of reality and connects everything with relations of proportion. Reason (Logos) is the eternal universal relation which regulates reality, as this is expressed linguistically. The object of his philosophy is not the material principle of this world but the internal rhythm, the Reason (Logos).
Support: CND-National Dance Centre of France in Paris Concept, Choreography: Spyros Kouvaras Performance: Korina Kotsiri or Spyros Kouvaras Music Composition: George Kouvaras